Photo by Ben Blennerhassett on Unsplash
この一週間、日本が人権問題に関して、完全に後進国であることを世界中に知らしめてしまうような恥ずべきことが幾つも起こった。 This week, several issues happened showing that Japan is an unopened country for human rights.
女性蔑視 Female Contempt
自民党参院議員・元参院副議長の山東昭子、「子供を4人以上産んだ女性を厚生労働省で表彰することを検討してはどうか」と発言。 Akiko Santo, a LDP member and the former vice chair person of the House of Councilors, said "How about considering recognition of woman who give births for more than four children with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare?"
子連れで議会出席した緒方熊本市議、退去を命じられる。 Ms.Ogata, a member of Kumamoto Municipal Council, attended a parliament with a child and ordered to leave.
Reference: CBC News: Politician's baby banned from municipal assembly in Japan The Washington Post: A Japanese politician took her baby to work. Male colleagues made a fuss. NPR: Japanese Lawmaker's Baby Gets Booted From The Floor BBC: Japanese politician brings baby to assembly sparking debate The Guardian: Japanese politicians force colleague with baby to leave chamber なお、こちらがグローバル・スタンダード。 Anyway the followings are the global standard.
人種差別 Racism
前地方創生相の山本幸三・自民党衆院議員が、三原朝彦衆院議員のアフリカとの交流について「何であんな黒いのが好きなんだ」と発言。 Kozo Yamamoto, a former Local Creation Minister and a LDP member of House of Representatives said "Why do you like such a black one?" as a mention about friendship exchange with Africa.
Reference: Japan News: Ex-minister Yamamoto makes verbal gaffe over Africa Japan Times: Ex-Abe Cabinet minister makes discriminatory remark about Africans
LGBT差別 LGBT discrimination
自民・竹下亘「宮中晩餐会、国賓のパートナーが同性なら出席に反対」。 Wataru Takeshita, a member of LDP, said "If a state guest's partner is the same sex. I will oppose against his/her attendance at the Imperial Banquet.
戦争犯罪否認 War crime denial
大阪市 少女像問題でサンフランシスコとの姉妹都市解消を表明。 Osaka municipal government announced the elimination of sister city with San Francisco on the issue of comfort women.
Shame on you, for denying what happened. Shame on you, personal attacks on this woman." Reference: Reuters: Japan's Osaka to snap sister city link with San Francisco over 'comfort women' statue SFGate: Japanese mayor says he’ll end SF sister city status over comfort women statue The New York Times: ‘Comfort Women’ Statue in San Francisco Leads a Japanese City to Cut Ties ABC: Japan protests San Francisco's 'sex slave' statue decision CBS: Japan protests San Francisco's "sex slave" statue decision NBC: San Francisco to Unveil Statue Honoring World War II-Era 'Comfort Women'
Again. Shame on you.
追記 (20:30 27/11/2017)
カリフォルニア州は9月、大戦中の日系人強制収容に関する教育プログラムの強化を発表した。大阪とカリフォルニア、どちらが真摯に戦争での誤った行為に向かい合っているのか、自明である。 California state announced expantion of education programs about Japanese-American internment camps during the WWII. It is very clear which, Osaka or California, is seriously facing own wrong actions in the war. Reference: Sun Francisco Chronicle: California expands Japanese internment education to current rights threats 追記 (23:50 27/11/2017) 米国市民、議員、議会への卑劣なメール爆弾の指令元を突き止めることに成功。 I caught the original sources of sneaky mail bombs to US citizens, lawmakers, and Congress. Reference of Japan Alt-Right Sites:
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